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The installation is an aggregate of standard element- 4 mm manufactured steel rod, which is a subject of differentation through the process of roboticaly assisted rod beding.

It represent a continuity interplay at two scales: material continuity of rods based on varied grids and densities, as well as delineation of an architectural object – the column, by hollowing it and representing its form only by assembled 3d lines in space.

Project is entirely designed and produced by authors and as such merges the notions of design and making, addressing the idea of an architect being a designer and a builder. It also demonstrates a synergy of computational methods within architectural design and fabrication processes, by employing generative design, k-means clustering and machine learning based material behavior control during the fabrication process.

collaboration: Mateusz Zwierzycki ( The Object)

support: Adam Mickiewicz Institute

installation: Tallin Architecture Biennale 2017

photo:  Lisett Kruusimäe and Onur Yilmaz